July 17, 2014

Nutcase Unframed: The Artist Speaks #1

Sooner or later, everyone looks at a piece of art and wonders: “What was the artist thinking? How did she do that? What does it mean?”

Well, we’ve been working on two fronts here at Nutcase HQ: getting more fresh art onto our one-of-a-kind sports helmets; and then, getting the exciting art that’s on our helmets out into the world. We call it Nutcase Unframed.

Sandra #2

Even before she won the Nutcase helmet contest Sandra did helmet design.

One way we are doing that is by bringing three of our collaborators: Sandra Ramirez fom Colombia, Ray Moore from Germany, and Todd Standish from the USA, to the upcoming Eurobike (in Fredrichshaven, Germany in August) and Interbike (in Las Vegas, Nevada in September) shows.

Sandra #3

Another helmet decorated by Sandra.

At these shows Ramirez, Moore, and Standish will make on-the-spot art, working live and directly on big canvases that will later be auctioned to benefit one of our favorite bicycle non-profits, World Bicycle Relief.

How does an artist prepare for this type of public participation? Sandra, who has created an entire world of ‘little monsters’ that she says can live on any object – helmets, shoes, notebooks, walls – is a little anxious but also getting excited to make live art.

“Of course I am nervous, but this is also what I like to do in my life – make art – so I’m guessing it will also be fun,” she says. “Plus one good part is that I won’t see the audience the entire time, it is mostly going to be me and the canvas.”

Sandra #4

The monsters on a mural.


Since Sandra won our helmet contest back in April and learned that she would be making art at Eurobike and Interbike, she’s been sketching like mad, and also has further prepared herself with acrylic paint workshops.

“My process is usually to start with research, then I start sketching on paper, after that I move my design to the computer, and if I get stuck I return to the web and my favorite sites and inspirations,” she says.

Sandra #5

Sandra’s monsters on a boot!

When she’s working live without digital assistance, Sandra says if she gets stuck she’ll do a little internal meditation. But the expanding world of her ‘little monsters’ is pretty easy for her to access and explore.

“They are naughty little creatures, but they are also full of love,” she says.

Below, (drum roll, please) is the result of Sandra’s work – a sneak peek of the helmet she designed. We’re calling in Locombia…for now. See it up close and for real at either the Eurobike show in August or at Interbike in September.
