Unframed Creativity Rules – The Third Set.

Unframed Creativity Rules – The Third Set.

We’re blown away by the amount and quality of work we are receiving for our Nutcase Unframed 2016 helmet design contest. Thus far – in week three of the contest – we’ve had more submissions than all of last year’s contest. And they are all great!

Now we’re nearing the finish line:  Just one week to go before the helmet design contest closes. Get us your ideas, too, as we want to show them to the world.

So without further ado, we present the third batch of submissions:


No. 33, USA
“I skate the Embarcadero waterfront every morning before work from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m., and I would love to have this helmet made up in multicolor metallic, reflective dots. I’ve tried a few helmets with lights – but they just aren’t as comfortable as yours nor do they make me smile when I put them on!”


No. 34., Canada

Number 35

No. 35, Canada

No. 36

No. 36, New Zealand
“I run my own business, transforming my art into locally- made cards, prints and homewares. I love trying to create that connection between the subject I’ve drawn and the viewer, by focusing closely on the face, and more importantly the eyes.”

No. 37

No 37, New Zealand

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No. 38, Mexico
“I’m a fan of the bicycle and of Nutcase helmets. I was inspired by the Black Widow spider, also called Chintatlahua, with her red rear, which is what Chintalahua means.”

No. 38

No. 39, Mexico
“I’m a graphic designer in San Luis de Potosí, and a cyclist. I love the traditional American tattoo, which is what I’m working with lately.”

No. 40

No. 40, Mexico

No. 41

No. 41, USA/Vietnam
“I am a high school art teacher in Ohio, but currently in Hanoi, Vietnam on a Fulbright with my husband and children. I’ve been fascinated with the idea of art on helmets since I got to Vietnam and encountered the world’s highest ratio of motorbikes to people. My design – which calls for peace on earth – is one we all should have in our heads more, so maybe we need to start by having the idea ON our heads!”

No. 42

No. 42, Spain
“This is my daughter’s design. She loves freestyle slalom and also loves to draw and make handicrafts.”

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No. 43, Australia
“I am an illustrator, graphic and textile designer, design book editor and teacher, specializing in pattern repeat, watercolour painting and collaborating with like minded people. Whenever I create an artwork, I always wonder what it will look like if I apply it to another surface, or if the image is repeated, or cropped.”

No. 44

No. 44, USA
“I’m a stay-at-home mom of four kids. I love the abstract, and black and white, like a blank coloring sheet waiting for you to color it. How fun this would be as a helmet that kids and adults could color in themselves!”


No. 45, Czech Republic
“I study graphic design. I decided to make something to express emotions – the thrill when you are racing and cheering – as well as a motif of mountains, and of course, bikes.”

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No. 46, Australia
“I’m a design student and heard about this through my design teacher.”

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No. 47, USA
“I am a professional sculptor and visual artist, a passionate biker and owner of six bikes. I live in New York and enjoy biking in the parks here and on the expanding bike lanes daily. This is a rubber relief to be applied on helmet by transforming it to a flat graphic to be applied in the same position and size. Text on banner reads –”NOVO ORDO BICICLORUM” and on the crank wheel – “IN BIKE WE TRUST”.”

No. 48

No. 48, USA


No. 49, Germany
“I’m 25 years old. I’m a creative person and a tailor, and I love to design. Drawing is also my hobby.”


No. 50, Germany


No. 51, Germany


No. 52, Germany


No. 53, Mexico
“I love riding my bike, cats, sounds, and colors.”


No. 54, USA
“The landscapes I paint are often not accessible by automobiles– I frequently ride my Surly Big Dummy [bicycle] to natural sites throughout Austin, Texas to create my watercolor postcards. My bike makes an excellent portable art studio because of the large panniers. The watercolors weave the trees, the sky, and the earth together to form a whole. Like bicycles that take us to new places, the watercolors have the ability to do the same.”

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No. 55, Canada
“I’m six. I love art and can paint and draw. I tried out my mom’s computer for the design. I made the shapes because I thought shapes are whatever you want them to be. It’s like connect the dots you can do whatever you want, you can try find a picture or just randomly connect them into anything.”

You can submit your artwork here or, go here to learn more about the Unframed program. Check our Street store page to see the great artists helmets, Boogie and Cloud Nine, already created by the Unframed program.

“Boogie” by artist Ray Moore:

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“Cloud Nine” by artist Todd Standish:

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