Unframed 2016 – The Final Countdown

Unframed 2016 – The Final Countdown

Get your brushes, pens and computers out – these are the final days of our 2016 Unframed helmet design contest.

In this third year of Unframed our expectations are far surpassed – we have thus far received 121 submissions, from 53 participants sending us their helmet art creations from 19 countries. And judging from the previous two years, we’ll probably get a whole lot more submissions in these last days of the final countdown of Unframed 2016.

Look at all the places across the globe we’ve gotten submissions from (in no particular order): Sri Lanka, Phillipines, Hong Kong, Slovenia, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Mexico, USA, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Canada, Netherlands.


So don’t wait – the hours are ticking away. Find our template here, submissions will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time).

On Monday, November 30th we’ll show the fourth installment of submissions. The following Monday, December 7, we’ll post the final set of submissions, and on Wednesday the 9th of December we finally reveal all submissions, so that you can see and comment on everything. This final summary post is always truly awe-inspiring, make sure you check it out.

And then the hard work starts for us. We’ll put all the submissions up on a wall (hmm, we may need a bigger wall…) and start the long and arduous process of choosing finalists. On Monday, December 14 our finalists will be announced, and then we have another round of debates and ruminations about which winners to pick. It’s a rewarding but also daunting process – there are just so many quirky, creative, whimsical, and downright beautiful entries.

Friday, December 18th our WINNERS will be announced. Check back!

To look over what has been submitted thus far, click here, and here. And also here!


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