Helmets have played a huge role in James “Jimmy Jam” Durham’s life. In 2011 James suffered a traumatic brain injury from a severe motorcycle crash. He credits his helmet to saving his life. While recovering he wore a skateboarding helmet for months to protect his skull after having a large bone flap removed. Three years ago, James purchased a Nutcase helmet, not only because it looked like a brain and the name was “Nutcase,” but also because he believes it is the best protection he has found to ride a bike in sunny Florida.
As an advocate for brain injury awareness via his TBI One Love organization, James' mission is to “end the silence” and inspire others to share their brain injury stories. TBI One Love’s “Family Tree” now hosts brain injury stories of over 200 inspirational survivors from 10 countries!
This month, in celebration of National Brain Injury Awareness Month, Mr. Durham has kicked off a "Share the Love" campaign where he'll be shipping our new Cobalt Street helmets to a few select inspirational survivors to thank them for their work in TBI prevention and awareness. Stay tuned to find out who the eight people are that will be receiving these gifts.
We've teamed up with James because not only does he truly "get" our "I love my brain" motto, he is one of the most enthusiastic, genuine, hardworking, and sweet guys you'll ever have the chance to interact with. His dedication to bring awareness to brain injury in hopes of preventing future incidents is inspirational. If you would like more information on brain injury and National Brain Injury Awareness Month visit www.biaausa.org.