May the Fourth be With You, Morgan!

May the Fourth be With You, Morgan!

This week marks Morgan Brataan's 2nd and last year as Nutcase's Product Designer.  After this week, she's off to Iceland and planning to dive in to the world of freelancing.

We're going to miss her very much.

Of Morgan, Kendall Burton (Nutcase's Product Line Manager) says, "We knew we had a winner when she told us her favorite place for inspiration was vintage stores…she is a huge Star Wars fan (her first day on the job was May the 4th so…it came up)."

Miriam Berman, "Mrs. Nutcase," also fondly recalls Morgan's Star Wars obsession.  "I always keep two, not one, light sabers with me in the trunk of my car...  just in case," said Morgan in her winning job interview.  

But Morgan quickly shed her vehicle and became a die-hard bike commuter when she joined Nutcase.  We're not sure where she totes her light sabers, now...

You can see her love for space in this year's Constellations helmet and in a yet-to-be-revealed 2018 design.

Many of her other designs were instant hits such as Tin Robot, Timberline, Totally Rad, and Veloz.

Here are some of our favorite Morgan Moments:

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