Love Your Brain,All Month Long

At Nutcase, we try to keep it simple in an increasingly complex world.

Step 1: We love our brains. Step 2: We love your brain. Step 3: We love all brains.

And so, as we move into the month of March, which happens to be Brain Injury Awareness Month, we’re doing all kinds of fun stuff to demonstrate our global brain-love (including eating a lot of blueberries).

Yet, instead of dazzling (or rattling) you with a mountain of statistics about brain injuries, we’re going to leave that to the expert guidance of our partners at the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA).

Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 2.22.51 PMDuring this month, four guest posts from the BIAA will talk a little about brain injury and a little about brain protection and health.

Because every year about two million people will sustain some kind of traumatic brain injury in the U.S. alone, we think it’s important stuff to know.

We’ll also have profiles of four individuals who have great stories to tell about coming back from brain injuries, and about wearing a Nutcase helmet to keep doing the sporty and outdoors activities that add meaning and happiness to their lives.

In addition, there will be a post or two (and likely a new video) from Ryan Leech, our expert professional mountain bike rider. As an athlete, Ryan is a unique combination of incredible skill and safety mojo on and off the bike, and we’re psyched to be his sponsor.

Because a brain injury can affect any one of us, during the month of March, for any Nutcase helmet purchased on, we will donate $2 to the BIAA’s phenomenal efforts at providing education, research, and support for happy, healthy brains.  Starting on March 1st, you will also be able to donate directly to BIAA’s good work here.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled Nuttiness.

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