BIKE MORE:  Meet the Mackenzie Bike Team

BIKE MORE: Meet the Mackenzie Bike Team

As a "Thank You" to the many companies who have signed up to compete in the Street Trust's Bike More Challenge this year, we offered a team photo and 10 helmets to one rockin' team.

The Street Trust chose Mackenzie to be the winners after they wrote in to say they'd use their helmets to inspire new riders to bike safely.  Not only were we excited about their mission, but we also were happy to learn that they're just a two minute bike ride from our office and, as an architecture firm, are naturally design driven.  We love meeting rad new like-minded, bikey neighbors!

Mackenzie's team members takes cycling seriously.  This year their Portland office has some impressive stats:

15% ridership w/ 26 of 170 staff logging rides as of 5/3/2017
21% registered w/ 37 of 170 staff registered for Bike More Challenge


But it's more than just dedicated cyclists that made this team shine.  Their entire company has taken impressive steps to prove that cycling is important to their employee health and culture.

Here are some examples of how Mackenzie supports their bicycle commuters:

  • Monthly company-sponsored bike lunches for bike commuting staff, “if you pedal, we pay” motto
  • Bike More Challenge support with budget to sponsor five bike centric raffles for prizes and an end of Challenge Happy Hour/Pizza Party for anyone who logs a ride
  • Sponsored single ride passes for Nike Biketown. These are free to staff using them for business purposes, discounted to staff for personal use
  • Office helmets (care of Nutcase) provided and required for Mackenzie sponsored Biketown trips – safety first!
  • Office bike lock
  • Office bike tools
  • Secure bike storage
  • Locker room and shower facilities
  • Sponsored weekends for out-of-town group rides – this year is the first time this is occurring, Mackenzie is paying camping fees for a group of staff riders to ride McKenzie Pass on it’s “No Cars Weekend” this spring

Here are just a few of the friendly faces we met today...

Find out more about Mackenzie:

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